Date: 28th Dec 07
Venue: My house
Audrey, Michelle, Peiwen, Yiting, Yanting, Weiseng, Kaisiang, Harris, Melvin, Minghan
Thank you all for turning up.. it was the best party!
See the evil look on yiting's face? HAhaha, cos she was scooping salad for them, making sure they clear the salad before they start eating the almond longan..
Then it was GAME'S TIME!
Yanting was really good at twisting!
When I saw this set of photos, I couldnt stop laughing! Pw racked her brains to torture them to revenge for yanting. Mel and ks.. really very ugly!
The newspaper game - in the end my group lost, so we have to use our mouth to pass seaweeds.
Are you able to guess the theme for the night?
Gift Exchange
And Best Dressed goes to Michelle Sam!
Thats the tic tac toe cup that I got .. and the mini gifts from pw, yt and audrey.
Mich's mini cupcake! It was really thoughtful of her. thanks so much!!
I love you people!! Hope you guys had fun!