Friday, July 10, 2009

Dogs and Cats

All of you should know I'm afraid of cats. I just realised, I'm afraid of dogs too. One of my tuition kid's neighbour has a dog, and each time I go for tuition, the dog will keep barking and barking. Its quite scary cos the bark is extremely loud, and the dog's head is always out of the gate. I checked with my kid already, she says the dog can actually squeeze its way out of the gate. Now I have the phobia of walking past people's house cos I'm afraid dogs would come forcing their head out the gate.

My neighbour has quite alot of visitors at her house.. the funny thing is, all her friends seem to have dogs. There was once I was going home, a dog started barking at me from her house. Today, I was going to bring an umbrella to my dad at compass point, the moment I opened my door, 2dogs were at my neighbour's gate, barking like mad. I thought its ok cos I dun think they could get out of the house so I came out. When I turned to leave, one of the dog was standing right in front of me! scare the hell out of me. And all the aunties were busy playing mahjong no one came to stop the dog. The dog almost followed me into the lift loh. I was shivering like mad when I got into the lift, damn it. The whole day, when my bro, my mum came back, the dogs barked like crazy. So irritating.. but I'm finally relieved now, cos I saw them leave just now. yes I was stalking them, made sure I saw the dogs go into the lift.. Finally have some peace now. Please dun come again, I dun like the both of you.

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