Saturday, July 22, 2006

My Friend, My Brother

From my last post, i've cleverly tested and found out who is really my BEST FRIEND.

Ms MICHELLE SAM YI YING, thanks so much for telling EVERYBODY the joke! must have brightened up many people's day.. poor me!

By the way, i just learnt something from my brother. that day i was abit bothered by something, so i asked him for his opinion. i asked if he agreed with wat i've done, he said yes and he taught me this:

别人跟你计较不要紧, 你不要跟别人计较。

This is the first time my brother's words are worth listening.. hahaha. maybe usually he's full of nonsense, so when he suddenly come out with things like that, i cant really believe my ears. my brother is just 1 year older than me, but sometimes i feel he has experienced much much more things than me, and thus can give me valuable advices. of cos my parents are also there to give me opinions, but sometimes they really dun understand how we youngsters think. i'm grateful to have my brother around!

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